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Krieg, Guard & Orks! Armageddon Mega Project

Krieg, Guard & Orks! Armageddon Mega Project

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What unit to do first?

Tutoring 10
Skill 9
Idea 10
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What unit to do first?

Choosing which unit to do first ended up being quite easy for me, it had to be a unit of Guardsman. I have to admit to still referring to this army as Imperial Guard rather than Astra Militarum mainly because that’s what they were called when I started collecting them and I prefer it.

I do like all of the DKoK range but I especially like the armour plating on the Engineer miniatures. The standard Guardsman has a great look but I do wish they had some sort of body armour. With this in mind, I have chosen to use the Engineer minis as my Guardsman and the Guardsman minis for crews and teams that support rather than front line infantry.

So time to build, clean and prime my first 10 x Guardsman.

Standard DKoK Guardsman, to be used as support elements.Standard DKoK Guardsman, to be used as support elements.
DKoK Engineer, to be used as Guardsman.DKoK Engineer, to be used as Guardsman.

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