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40k Deathwing Terminators by Bothi

40k Deathwing Terminators by Bothi

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3 Bolter Dudes with 2 Cyclones and 1 Ancient walk into a Bar...

Tutoring 3
Skill 7
Idea 6
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Next up is a bit more ranged firepower and some support. 3 Stormbolter and Powerfist Terminators – two with a magnetized Cyclone Missle Launcher – and the Ancient for the new and totally imbalanced “Pennant of Remembrance”. The Banner is also magnetized above the fist for transportation reasons.

Just as a reminder, these are all the super old metal Terminators from the second Edition of 40k (with a few plastic/resin bits used here and there). I still remember “fondly” when I converted them like 10+ years ago. Lets say a lot of Green Stuff and Brute Force was involved.

Also I had a bit of a misshap with the Airbrush on the OSL of the Ancients Thunderhammer. I got some color built up on the needle and it kinda splashed on the model. It looks still ok in real life, but when you zoom in on the pics you can see the splatter.

The three ranged TerminatorsThe three ranged Terminators
The Ancient carrying the The Ancient carrying the "Pennant of Remembrance"

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