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672nd Fighter Wing, Red Dragon Squadron Imperial Navy - “The Red Baroness” (SPRING CLEAN CHALLENGE 2021 by Zebraoutrider)

672nd Fighter Wing, Red Dragon Squadron Imperial Navy - “The Red Baroness” (SPRING CLEAN CHALLENGE 2021 by Zebraoutrider)

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Voss Pattern Lightning - Preparation of Components

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So, next up is the preparation of the components. I would suggest carefully looking at how the excess sprue connects with each piece to ensure that you don’t clip off too much or damage the fine detail of the component. Double check before cutting the parts.

I used a Citadel pair of clippers throughout this process but where there were large chunks of sprue I cut from different sides until the excess snapped cleanly off. Once all excess chunks were removed (I could keep them as battle debris for basing?), I could then revert to a modelling knife to carefully slice back any further excess to ensure a smooth finish to both the external appearance of the components and the hidden tabs that will glue into the various recesses as the construction builds.

Take your time in the preparation here! This kit cost £89, and unlike any Lego kit, they don’t throw in spare components.

Preparation of components - take your time and double check you are not damaging the detail before you make the first cut!Preparation of components - take your time and double check you are not damaging the detail before you make the first cut!

Time taken:

Cutting/Clipping of Excess Sprue (including careful checking of each cut) 1 Hour

Fine cutting of excess around tabs and external detail 1 Hour

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