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A Mutant Rabble

A Mutant Rabble

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Vox-Shamblers conversions

Tutoring 8
Skill 11
Idea 12
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These are the three converted Vox-Shamblers from the Gellerpox Infected set. Really happy how these had turned out though that may be down to the new heads from MaxiMini (had them in the bits box for a long time). I had 10 of those and I’ve used them all in the various conversions here. Really are good and add so much personality – hope there is somewhere else to get a hold of those MaxiMini bits online?

Also used a number of laspistols and things from Anvil Industry. So in the end I removed the improvised weapons the Poxwalkers had and made sure that each of them carried a pistol, just to get them all to spec for the Mutant Rabble rules.

That basically covers the existing, unfinished models and leads me to getting on with the challenge and painting all 20 of these guys.

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