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Balins Tomb: Save yourself £50+

Balins Tomb: Save yourself £50+

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Template and choosing materials

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
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Finding the right start....

If watching hundreds of hours of model making video’s and builds by Adam Savage among others has taught me anything sauce material is invaluable for any build.

I knew I’d need a good bit of reference to get a start on this one. I found plenty of images painted or with minis and that fabulous. However working out the exact sizes through measuring the mini for scale and working it from there seem like a bit of a task.

So after a quick search through Google I found what I needed a clear image of the actual plinth and layout with some kind of ruler for scale.

Then I needed to scale and print that image correctly. I used the hpSmart app on my phone to cut and resize the image. If you have any WiFi enabled hp printer I believe it will work for you. (I’d imagine you can do the same through other printer apps) Also if you prefer use Photoshop or SketchUp to resize the image to the scale provided.

After this it’s a matter choosing the materials for this build. I’ve been out of terrain building for sometime and only recently got back to it. So I didn’t have the usual XPS foam I’ve seen so many builders use. What I did have was a pack of A4 foam core, fortunately A4 works perfectly for this, I’d had from making Christmas decorations with the kids. So a couple of sheets of that and a paper pattern is my start.

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