Murder Hobo Squad: A Lost Mine of Phandelver/Dragon of Icespire Peak & Beyond D&D 5E record (Beware Spoilers!)
S26a: The lighting issues
So the dynamic lighting worked well, in terms of little to no lag and walking down corridors was cool. However, this fight highlighted how lack of LoS, or losing your light source could make the game incredibly boring and frustrating. Here are two pics of the same situation taken at the same time from two different points of view. Ramond tells me that most of the session was spent with a cview like this, which he took in good spirits for most of the game but was understandably frustrated after four hours of play. I’m not going to let this happen again. I wish I’d been fully aware of this sooner as I’d have fixed the issue even if it meant ditching the Dynamic Lighting completely. As I could not see his view I didn’t understand how little he could see and how detatched he felt from events.
My current plan of things to test before next session is:
1: I drop a bright OOC light source in the room any time theres a fight going on and we can move it out of the way briefly when we want to tell who can see what IC
2: Try “Daylight mode” in Roll20. Not sure what this does yet but I’m thinking it provides illumination everywhere at all times, but still allows for walls to block LoS. I need to play with this feature to see how it works, and if I can turn it off and on mid-session without dumping load times on everyone or creating other issues
3: If those options don’t seem to work or any one player doesn’t want to deal with Dynamic Lighting again then I switch back to the old reliable manual FoW system
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