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Collins Does Orktober

Collins Does Orktober

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Basic paint jobs for basic trukks

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 7
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just after dry brush and before a light brown/black washjust after dry brush and before a light brown/black wash
Halfords Clear Lacquer is SHINY! ARGH!!!Halfords Clear Lacquer is SHINY! ARGH!!!

ok so the trucks are all painted to tabletop ish standard which will be good enough for now.

I ran out of army painter matt varnish so defaulted to the next can I have as an experiment. the Halfords primers have worked well for me so I picked up a can of clear lacquer too. but it is super shiny which is frustrating as hell right now as I have 1 model and 3 bright stars in the night sky.

any advice? (besides buy more army painter stuff)

so before I highlight and weather these trukks and revarnish them I thought id show them off. They are definitely game-able at this state but would really benefit from weathering (dirt and rust) for sure!

I don’t think the deffcopters need it because they have the interesting base to distract from them but these trukks definitely do because of their ramshackle nature

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