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Krieg, Guard & Orks! Armageddon Mega Project

Krieg, Guard & Orks! Armageddon Mega Project

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Getting started with 500 points for the DKoK

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 14
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Getting started with 500 points for the DKoK

With the DKoK likely to be more of a theme rather than a unit limiting force in the upcoming update, I am looking to do a combined arms force.

500 points get you quite a few minis and likely more than some specialised armies have in their 2000 point force.

500 Points DKoK List


Death Korps Marshal


10 x Infantry Squad

10 x Infantry Squad


8 x Engineers

Fast Attack

5 x Death Rider Squadron

Heavy Support

3 x Mortar Heavy Weapon Squad

Leman Russ Battle Tank

38 miniatures, wow this is going to be a challenging project!

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