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Yaokong Remotes pack

Tutoring 4
Skill 8
Idea 6

I have never purchased a remote before and never painted any. They are a conundrum.

They are the most static and least dynamic of all of Corvus Belli models (as a collective). I found myself wishing for the to have a foot on rock. They all remind me of the 90’s space marine. They are lacking for a fast model type, with some others having skills like climbing plus. They should be full of movement and motion with cold calculating gyro stabilised guns taking down any unsuspecting hostile units. And the sculpt should reflect this.

Like the 90’s space marine they sort of have an odd nostalgia hit, they are perfect in their naivety of sculp. They serve a purpose and due to their dullness, allow you to imagine how they work and fill in the blanks with youthful imagination you forgot you had.

If you can read the above and work out if I love or hate them, let me know as I cant figure it out.

Anyway they are done.

Yaokong Remotes packYaokong Remotes pack
Weibing Yaokong Weibing Yaokong
Son-Bae Yaokong Son-Bae Yaokong

I also done a silly thing this week. I have Yu Jing almost completed for code one and painted. I have booster pack alpha on my desk right now. So I bought booster pack Bata. I love the Monstrucker model that was launched so I have to have that… And I caved and got the Military orders faction launch bundle. I have the tag and Joan already and they seem lonely.

Justification aside it was a silly decision. I used to pride myself on the smallness of my pile of shame. Defiance should arrive in the next couple of weeks. I still have Starmada to do and you know 100% I will be getting the new code one pack as I want a damned space bear.

I seem to be using buying models as a coping mechanism. I have not been out the house since just before holiday time last year and under 6 hours in total since almost to the day last year. Think if I go to the doctors they would prescribe a vaccine and a pub?

Enough of my bull, I have more painting to do… lots of painting.

More to come.

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Cult of Games Member

I’d agree the remotes do tend to be very static, though I do like the overall look of most of them. Your paint job looks great on these guys however. Nice work!

Cult of Games Member

I fully agree with you that the REMs’ poses are very static. I even have theory why is it so. If you consider the mechanics of movement that is supposedly forced by the form factor, you’ll come to conclusion that such movement is not possible, not to even mention any effectiveness. Yaokongs are probably most notable examples of that – those armour plates on their legs would instantly collide with main body should they try to move forward. The way the legs are attached to the body may allow for some sluggish sideways movement a’la crabs, not forward (unless their… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

In my brain these remotes are all just variations on the tachikoma from Ghost in the Shell. Most of their movement is done with the (usually hidden) wheels on their feet so they are rather static in a given frame but quite the opposite from frame to frame. Actually it’s that disconnect that gives them much of their charm. As to buying models as a coping mechanism…yes? That’s why I have most of the Infinity collection that I do. I’ve slowed down of late as I’ve had to really come to terms with the fact that A) I don’t really… Read more »

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