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From here to Infinity

From here to Infinity

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First test done...

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

Ok then, I will call this guy finished…at least I will not change anything on this model and take my lessons learned on what I will commence doing with my next PanO Fusiliers.

Now, what was worth the afford and has worked out (imho)?:

the black / grey areas

the edge highlighting

the „red light bulbs“

the pants

And what‘s not so hot?

the overall outcome of the blue armor. My next take on this will go under the headline of „less is more“ with just the darkblue – a mid blue – a blue wash – and edge highlights – done. At least that‘s the plan.

Will I go on and was this one fun to paint? Hell yeah. And the more I learn about Infinity and its lore the more I like it. Next stop: Ju Ying.

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shoop77seldon9Avernos Recent comment authors
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looking good so far, what style are you going for with Yu Jing? I’m a fan of the JSA sub faction which broke away and is now very grey, striking scheme but not the punchy yellow

Cult of Games Member

Get the PanO filth out the way so you can enjoy painting the true saviours of humanity. Good plan 🙂

Nice work. I really like how the trousers turned out. Even disliking PanO I’ll admit they’re a fun faction to paint.

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