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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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25 MTG: Benrette Vigil & Humalkas

Tutoring 3
Skill 7
Idea 3
Bernette Vigil for Wolsung by Micro Art Studios, painted as part of the Monkeys With Fire March 2021 community challengeBernette Vigil for Wolsung by Micro Art Studios, painted as part of the Monkeys With Fire March 2021 community challenge
Humalkas by Rotten Factory from an Asset Drop Monster Box thats been sat on my shelf gathering dust for a long while.  Seemed like a good opportunity to test out the Nurgle scheme from Vallejos Humalkas by Rotten Factory from an Asset Drop Monster Box thats been sat on my shelf gathering dust for a long while. Seemed like a good opportunity to test out the Nurgle scheme from Vallejos "Non-Death Chaos" paint set for the first time. Not bad. Could use some more dirty layers under the final glaze. Something to stop the green being so bright? Any clue what this guy might be a proxy for within Nurgles armies?

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lawnorChris Holden Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Man, these are some really nice minis. The vibrant colours look amazing, without appearing garish. Excellent work.

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