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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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27 MTG: Living and Undead Cockatrices

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 5
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Cockatrice by TTCombatCockatrice by TTCombat
27 MTG: Living and Undead Cockatrices

I finished off the Cockatrice and started work on it’s undead version straight after.  I’m not seeing them on the TTCombat store anymore.  Not sure if they are just out of stock or if they’ve been discontinued.  There are problems with these sculpts.  Quite a few bubbles, a squdged splodge on the living guys belly, and lots of gaps that needed attention.

The biggest issue is with the pose of the undead one.  See that rock he’s stood on?  Thats not part of the model.  He comes in that pose with a chunky clear flight stand.  No connection point on the base or the model so I assume I’m supposed to get a drill and put a huge hole in his belly for it.  That’d be so ugly and there’d be no ignoring it.  There’s no way a single pin through the dainty ankle of the single foot on the floor would support all that weight without a second support.  This guy is quite heavy.  This is a lareg reason why he’s been sat in my pile of shame for two years.  The rock was a Tutorial Tile from Asset Drop that was about the right height for the job.

Undead Cockatrice by TTCombatUndead Cockatrice by TTCombat

There were a few washes on its flesh that I knew would take hours to dry so I got a lot of building work done while waiting.  The following guys got primed this weekend as a result.  Thats everything from my count built except one Ritual Casting model that intimidates the hell out of me because she’s 10″ tall and has 2 lightsabers and I’ve no clue how to do OSL (Help wanted: Got any tutorials that might help with red OSL on dark brown, grey or black cloth or leather?  She’s a Sith).  Super Fantasy Brawl needs checking for cleanup before priming still.

One of the prepped models is my first Carnivale one.  Its been washed twice and still won’t take primer.  It’s had 5-6 coats and its still as patchy as a thing thats very patchy.  I’m still prepping its base so it is going to get another coat anyway.  I’ve no idea if I’ve gotten unlucky or if this is a thing with all their models, or perhaps something about this particular sculpt?

27 MTG: Living and Undead Cockatrices

I also received this month Community Challenge model from Monkeys With Fire and Micro Art Studios: Bernette Vigil for Wolsung.  She’s my next project and I’m layering coats of flesh as I type this.

27 MTG: Living and Undead Cockatrices

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