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A Billion Suns Fleet Fun

A Billion Suns Fleet Fun

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The Bigger Ships

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 9
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The Bigger Ships

The texture on the Capri Sun bottle cap and the general shape of it said Sci-Fi ship to me. Will think up ways to detail it a touch more. Not sure whether to try to have some kind of big energy source in the back of the wide opening and take it as a long distance cargo style ship, or to add a central gun coming out of the void and have it all be a giant wing propelling a huge gun into the the fray.

The break glass keys are fun. As I have a few of these I am thinking of doing two classes of ship. A military class with the long single prong being some kind of rail gun. Plus, a cargo class with cargo containers lined up underneath that single prong. Someone suggested the clips from zip lock bags might have a fun texture and be a good size for this.

So it begins.

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