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Carnevale - City of romance, grandeur and bloody screaming.

Carnevale - City of romance, grandeur and bloody screaming.

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His & Hers Barnabotti

Tutoring 8
Skill 13
Idea 11
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My first two Carnevale miniatures are done!  I am starting off with a Patricians crew as for me they are definitively Venetian I  appearance and their backstory of street-roaming murder parties is simple but so characterful.

I decided to kick off with a pair of Barnabotti, who are minor nobles whose family fortunes have fallen on hard times.  They pour their remaining wealth into maintaining appearances so I decided to go all out on making them a gang of outrageously flamboyant murder peacocks and try my hand at bold yellows.

Then I thought, why not make them a couple out on the town with a his & hers costume theme?

His & Hers Barnabotti
His & Hers Barnabotti
The base coat was Golden yellow, shaded with a mix of the orange.  Highlighting was done with the moon yellow going up to ice yellow at the brightest points.The base coat was Golden yellow, shaded with a mix of the orange. Highlighting was done with the moon yellow going up to ice yellow at the brightest points.
The cloth of gold was Glorious Gold base coat, a nuln oil wash then highlighted with Polished Gold. The red fabric is Scarlett Red shaded with dark purple.  For highlighting I mixed a little Ivory with the Scarlett. The cloth of gold was Glorious Gold base coat, a nuln oil wash then highlighted with Polished Gold. The red fabric is Scarlett Red shaded with dark purple. For highlighting I mixed a little Ivory with the Scarlett.

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rickabod41 Recent comment authors
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I already had an interest in getting this – purely for the minis – and a trip to Venice last year (pre-lockdown) only cemented that interest. But your minis are brilliantly well painted – love it!

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