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Ambush Valley - a Vietnam Project

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Part 2 - dustoff chopper

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 7

I build up a 1/100 UH-1 kit from revell to get one of the most iconic choppers from the vietnam war.

As I started this project I thought about how to fit in a UH-1 to go with my marines as they did not use those choppers ad far as I know. So I ended up building mine as a dustoff or medevac/casevac helicopter… and I think I will need him alot.

The kit is quiet nice for what it costs but also fiddly and I think not the youngest. I painted the windows the same way I did on my team yankee cobras. Those clear parts just look a bit weird because they are way to thick.

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miniaturebrushworkoriskany Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Great idea, @miniaturebrushwork – I used the same Revell 1:100 Hueys for my Vietnam force (I think I had the UH-1H “gunship”.

How did you like those 18 pieces of clear plastic for the canopy sections? 😮

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