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Jumping back into Napoleonics

Jumping back into Napoleonics

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Weeknight Progress - Basing French Infantry

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 6
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I spent a small amount of time highlighting after the shades, mainly focusing on some of the crossbelts where the shade was a little heavly and adding some skin highlights to make the faces stand out  abit more. Pretty happy with the effect especially given this is the frist unit I’ve “completed”.

Weeknight Progress - Basing French Infantry

I’ve decided to base infantry on 20mm per figure, using 4 figures to a base so 40mm when two ranks deep (2×2), which seems the standard for black powder, though I’ve seen people use 60x40mm bases with three figures wide.

I actually really liked the warlord bases, enough to order a few packs extra for future basing. They have a textured top while the bottom has small plastic bumps that raise the base slighlty off the surface and seem to work really well on neoprene matts. Either way being plastic there not as suspectable as warping as MDF.

After attaching the figures to bases I’ve added texture using  Vallego Dark Earth Texture, I’ve used this on the cavalry and think its looks paticually good for european mud having a darker tone. I’m a big fan of the vallejo textures, they give similar effects to some of the citadel range but are much more cost efficeint, a big tub of the stuff is about £9 for 200ml and it goes a long way.

To give it a bit more depth I’ll follow up with a wash of agrax earthshade or similar tone. Im going to create some sample bases for testing flocks and tuffs and the like. Currently i think the muddy look is very effective, it just needs greening up somewhat.

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