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tidewater Darkstar

tidewater Darkstar

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Size by Silhouette, Logic of Length

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4

Looking back from today’s entry, the images of ships are still lacking.  So let’s go back in space and time to the point in their development where I went from “don’t know what this one will be, but it looks good” to “I need to able to tell these apart by type/size.”  Below you can better see side profiles, as well as dead giveaways of what parts made them:

Size by Silhouette, Logic of Length
Size by Silhouette, Logic of Length
Size by Silhouette, Logic of Length
Size by Silhouette, Logic of Length

I should probably mention that these models and the others I have since made are not what I would consider ideal; in other words, given the time, tools, talent, and tchoice, I would not make those fine ship class designs wear these crude mockups.  But they are functional, and fulfilled my desire to represent inverted (rolled over) ships, and also allowed me to use a cheap and very simple base (a “trombone” paperclip).  I would love to create a fine-detailed model or 2 or 22 or 200 that each could sit inside a tiny box of clear resin to protect it and allow it to roll over by being flipped opposite, and maybe on its side to represent being crippled, but again the ones here are alright (although my chosen parts are limiting).

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charpentier Derosiaoriskany Recent comment authors
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@charpentierDerosia – great work. I’ll admit that distinguishing ships is tough, even on our virtual boards. Wew have to have some kind of designator label on the base.

CA = Heavy Cruiser, CL = Light Cruiser, DD = Destroyer
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