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Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

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Highlights of Gulf War / Desert Storm 30th Anniversary Coverage - Wargaming

Tutoring 13
Skill 13
Idea 13

As we finally pass the end of February and the official end of the 1991 Persian Gulf War, I thought I would take a quick look back at some of the recent highlights of the recent wargaming, video coverage, and discussions that have been offered … all condensed in one or two project system posts.

More than a few of us in this community were actually around for this conflict, and yes … there are a handful of us on OTT that were actually in this war to one varying degree or another.  It was for this reason above all that I wanted to make sure this coverage was done objectively, and try and cover all the nations that were involved.

Most of all, I wanted to try and show (in some small way) how historical wargaming really can be done with an eye toward respect, objectivity, and maybe even learning a little about how the world we live in was actually created.  The Persian Gulf War was the first wide-scale use of what we would soon call “the Internet” and definitely the field large “field use” of GPS.  So the very fact that we’re on this internet website, perhaps on a GPS-synced smartphone, shows how this war effects our everyday life.

WARGAMES:  Now, some of the great wargames we’ve had, usually with OTT community members, where we’ve tried in our own small way to bring the fire and fury of the the Persian Gulf War to the tabletop as best we can, overcoming oceans and pandemics to keep our hobby alive.

1. Queen’s Royal Irish Hussars v. 52nd Iraqi Armored Division – Panzer Leader / Tactical Combat Middle East by Toshasch Miniatures.

2. USAF F-15C v. IQAF MiG-29As at H3 Airfield – AirWar C21 by Wessex Games.

3. Scud Hunters, British 22nd SAS Rgt v. Iraqi 224 Brigade – Sitrep Skirmish system – British SAS fight to destroy a Scud missile before it launches at Israel.

4. USMC v. Iraqi 5th Mechanized Division at al-Khafji – Battlegroup (modified) by IronFist Publishing / Plastic Soldier Company.

5. USMC v. Iraqi 5th Mechanized Division at al-Jaber (Part 1) – Battlegroup (modified) by IronFist Publishing / Plastic Soldier Company.

6.USMC v. Iraqi 5th Mechanized Division at al-Jaber (Part 2) – Battlegroup (modified) by IronFist Publishing / Plastic Soldier Company.

7. Brigade-Level Game – 1st US Marine Division v. Iraqi 5th Mechanized / 3rd Armored at al-Jaber / al-Burquan Oilfields – Panzer Leader / Tactical Combat Middle East by Toshasch Miniatures.

8. Battle of 73 Easting, 2nd Armored Cavalry vs. Tawalkana Republican Guards –  “Battle Carry Sabot” modern tank skirmish system by Sitrep Podcast.

9. Marines at Kuwait International Airport (Part 1) –  Battlegroup (modified) by IronFist Publishing / Plastic Soldier Company.

10.Marines at Kuwait International Airport (Part 2)–  Battlegroup (modified) by IronFist Publishing / Plastic Soldier Company.

11. Battle of Medina Ridge, Task Force 1-35, 1st Armored Division vs. al-Medina Armored Republican Guards –  “Battle Carry Sabot” modern tank skirmish system by Sitrep Podcast.

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Cult of Games Member

I enjoyed playing and watching this series of games and articles. Thanks for all your hard work Jim

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