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Mac vs Andrea Miniatures

Mac vs Andrea Miniatures

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Bonus round - Rick Blaine (Casablanca)

Tutoring 8
Skill 13
Idea 12

Another 1/10 bust from Andrea, representing Rick, from old classic movie, Casablanca. Had a go with a black and white mini.

While I have lots more figures from Andrea at home, this one will be the last I have photos in my PC. No more uploads until I go back, maybe for Easter but most likey summer holiday.


I do have a few other brands though, so I might star different projects soon. Anyone up for some 180º scale change? Dungeon Saga, anyone? 😀

Bonus round - Rick Blaine (Casablanca)
Bonus round - Rick Blaine (Casablanca)
Bonus round - Rick Blaine (Casablanca)
Bonus round - Rick Blaine (Casablanca)
Bonus round - Rick Blaine (Casablanca)
Bonus round - Rick Blaine (Casablanca)
Bonus round - Rick Blaine (Casablanca)

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Avernosmacgothmog Recent comment authors
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that’s a stunning paint job, from my favourite film no less. I can’t wait to see what you do when you drop down to Dungeon Saga.

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