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GCT Bushido

GCT Bushido

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Some more Yurei

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 6
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It’s been a while, but I finally made some more pictures and been plaing around with my cheap photoboot.

First up some orphans. Life is harsh on the Jwar Isle and children aren’t spared. Some give into their dark desires and that’s when Yurei promises them to fulfill these and claims them as it’s own. Cheap and fragile, they’re not much use apart from claiming objectives, but their abilitie to again and again summon Kami representing their desires, makes them dangerous and frsutrating to deal with.
Senbo summons Envy, a Kami capable of copying much of an opponents prowess, while Taka summons Wrath, dangerous and returning again and again until your opponent is down (or Taka runs out of Ki)

Some more Yurei
Some more Yurei

The Harionago is a dark entity not as human as she appears. Using her hair to tie up opponents, she’s an extremely slippery model to hit.

The Penanggalan is easier to hit, but has a similar function. These dark creatures strangle their victims until it controls the body and it’s head floats of, taking much of it’s intestines with it to strangle the next target. In game the model drains the victim, slowly killing it while regenerating itself.

Some more Yurei
Some more Yurei

The wraith was fun to paint. Seemingly the spirit of a powerfull samurai, it functions much like a guided missile. Powerful, but it needs it’s own essence to fuel it’s combat abilities and expensive to field. It can regenerate somewhat if it slays an opponent, but don’t count on this to keep it around for long. Your opponent needs to deal with this, lest you use it to deal with some prime target.

Some more Yurei

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