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No Droids Here!

No Droids Here!

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80% There

Tutoring 13
Skill 15
Idea 15

Hi everyone,

So this project is nearly finished, but I still have a few hurdles to go.  What I have done is finished painting the ground troops and added the few layers of weathering to the troops.

I also finished painting up the shnackdillo as well, and then dry fitted the models to the base and took a few photos.  I then glued the models to the base and modelled them to the base with some grout.

Next week I will post and  show the finished Dewback rider.  Then the week after I will paint up the sand and present the finished model.

Until then my best regards and I hope you enjoy the photos,



Subtle and not so subtle weathering.Subtle and not so subtle weathering.
80% There
The unapproachable Schnackdillo.The unapproachable Schnackdillo.
Dry fitting for the last time.Dry fitting for the last time.
80% There
80% There

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Fantastic Stormtroopers – I just started my own with the same concept… ?

Cult of Games Member

how did you weather the troops? dry brush with a creamish colour?
also, schnak looks fantastic with his cheeky smile. if this project doesn’t get a golden button you should definitely throw a strop over it

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