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Anglo Danes for SAGA

Anglo Danes for SAGA

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Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8

I didn’t want to take too long painting my figures but I decided to spend some time on the shields. I’m not a big fan of decals. They strike me as being a little too good.

I found a set of designs that looked straightforward and would be a good introduction to freehand.

As far as I know Anglo Saxon shields were red and yellow in all the images we have of them from contemporary artists. I decided I’d use a variety of colours because I wanted to.

The shield’s base colours were largely wet blended. I found that I could layer colour pretty roughly and it still looked ok from a distance.

The freehand designs I largely eyeballed. Painting the outline with a thin colour near the base meant that when you went over with the stronger colour the original outline almost disappeared.

Finally I added some damaged marks by adding a white highlight to brown marks.

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seldon9Avernos Recent comment authors
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lovely work on the freehand, terrific looking across the board.

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