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From here to Infinity

From here to Infinity

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The Bull Demon Cometh

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6

“Enemy hacker eliminated”

“OpFor Lieutenant terminated”

“Pan-O left flank breaking”

Reports from across the skirmish front detailed different specifics but all echoed the same overall message, the enemy forces were shaken and vulnerable. Now was the time to strike a decisive blow. An unearthly howl flooded the battle field, rising from behind the Yu Jing lines and growing like an oncoming storm. As the sound reached a crescendo a massive battle suit burst into view, rifle raised and spitting death at the enemy lines. The Mowang vaulted over the entrenched Zhanshi and continued forward without breaking pace.

“All units advance!” came the order over comms.

It’s finally time for a long overdue update as the painting is finally done for this project!

As mentioned in the last update figuring out how best to paint up the Mowang took a bit of time (though most of the gap since the last update was procrastination ;). I wanted him to be a bit different but still tie in. With that in mind I stuck with the white/orange-yellow of the rest of the troops but moved away from the blue undercoat and introduced some olive green and brown. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.

Sorry for the lack of in progress pictures for this one. So the final step will be to base them all. My plan is to do a mix of brown grit/mud with some static grass and snow. We’ll see how it turns out 🙂

Things in progressThings in progress

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Steve Sauvesoapdodger Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Cant believe I missed this project. Awesome so far. Super brave on the white but you definitely pulled it off. Also like the flavour text on your project makes it a very good read!

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