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Duel of the Fates

Duel of the Fates

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Obi Wan Kenobi

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I did Obi Wan last and I used some of the things I learned painting Qui Gon Jinn (which technically I learned from Sorastro painting the Obi Wan from Imperial Assault). The challenge with Obi Wan was trying not to make him look like a ghost as his Padawan outfit is incredibly pale with different shades of white/grey. For the robes I started with white mixed with a little bit of screaming skull and for the pants I used Rakarth Flesh. The skin was painted with Bugmans Glow and the boots in Mournfang Brown. The lightsabre blade was done in Caledor Sky

After that I applied the washes. I used Reikland flesh on the skin and trousers and used Sepia on the robe. The boots were given a heavy coat of aggrax earth.

To highlight the top I started with the base tone and worked up to pure white by mixing in additional white after each layer

The trousers I highlighted up using the base colour and then up to Pallid Wytch flesh again by just adding more of the lighter shade in after each layer.

The boots I highlighted using Mournfang Brown to give a nice warm tone and then used a little skrag brown at the end.

Finally I highlighted the skin up using Cadian Flesh and Kislev flesh.

I also used the same technique here as I did with Qui Gon, mixing a little blue into each layer foe any areas that are close to the lightsabre.  However the base tone was too dark so I opted for a different shade of blue, mixing a little Hoeth Blue into the layers.

For the blade I highlighted up using Alaitoc Blue, Hoeth blue and finally Blue Horror.

The final step was a blue glaze applied to the blade which I again thinned and applied to the areas previously highlighted with blue tinted layers.

Although I am happy with the results, I feel like the blue glow is a little too dark, and I am fairly sure it’s not the wash, I think the blue tone was too dark for the white robes and ultimately created a darker tone than the surrounding un-lit areas.  Also I think the sculpting on the face isn’t quite as good as the Qui Gon model. However it’s still  decent result.

And before I progress, here’s the three antagonists together.

Obi Wan Kenobi

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