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Duel of the Fates

Duel of the Fates

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Qui Gon Jinn

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Because if of work commitments and the holiday season I never really got a chance to complete the project. I finished the build but simply didn’t have the time to finish writing it up. However I now find myself with a little free time and I have all the pictures saved.

So I will start with Qui Gon Jinn.  To paint the robes I used a simple cream colour scheme which is basically the same as bone. It’s a Zadri Dust base, followed by a sepia wash and then successive layers using Ushabti Bone, Screaming Skull and White Scar.  However in order to really bring out the lightsabre’s glow, I mixed a tiny bit of Warplock green into each layer and highlighted areas Close to the blade with that.

To get Qui Gonn’s slightly tanned/ruddy complexion I used Ratskin flesh as the base rather than bugmans glow and a reikland flesh wash before highlighting up with the usual Cadian flesh and Kislev flesh. As with the robe I used a little warplock green mixed into each tone the side of his face and highlighted the skin with that.

The trousers were painted with a mix of Steel Legion Drab and Mourfang brown with an Aggrax wash which I then highlighted using the original base colour and then with a little steel legion drab.

Finally the boots are Rhinox Hide washed heavily with Aggrax to get a really dark brown colour and then edge highlighted with with Gorthor Brown and Baneblade brown to try and create a reflective look. Despite the simplicity of Jedi attire, their boots are usually spotless.

Finally I did the blade using Warplock green, highlighted up with moot green and then a little Dorn yellow. I then glazed it with a green glaze which I also thinned down and applied in two coats to the areas previously highlighted using grewn tinted layers to give a subtle glow effect

Overall I was really pleased with the lighting effects on this, it’s a real step on from previous attempts at OSL. It was time consuming but so rewarding and I am really glad I spent the time on it.

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