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Bolt Action Japanese 1000pts army

Bolt Action Japanese 1000pts army

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Sniper - finished

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 6
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Sniper - finished
Sniper - finished

Finally got back to this guy.

The scope looks good on the side. Glad I researched the scope and took a moment to set it in as historically accurate a spot as I could.

Had a ton of fun with the base.

I think I will go back to all the basing on the whole army and add a load of dying  grass.

The weird plant on the sniper’s left is made from metal shards from the sprue of another kit, plunged into blue tac, super glue covered to harden and set then primed and painted. It looks durable enough but I think I will be careful with it.


Sniper - finished

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