Collins Does Solo RPG 'The Wretched'
Day 5 Since the Incident
Day 5, salvage ship The Wretched, Flight Engineer Collins Reporting.
Oh god my head hurts. I’ve also decided that I can’t stand scotch… it was like drinking fiery bog water. It did the trick though, I got a good night’s sleep and didn’t have any funky, or rather, terrifying dreams. Silver linings I suppose.
Overnight the locked bridge door miraculously reset itself. Brilliant, problem solved! Or at least it would be if you ignore the need for locks to stay locked until you don’t want them locked. But right now it means I can get out and go and get some more stuff and continue to work on the engines. First I need a decent bit of breakfast however so I’m going to hit the mess facility for some bacon and eggs, or the salvage ship’s equivalent.
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