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Man cave exploits

Man cave exploits

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Finishing touches

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9

I also wanted a hobby space to paint and build if needed but knew a desk or table would take up valuable game table space. A little bit of research later I found these foldable brackets from B&Q and used the top of my old desk to attach to it and it was perfect to pull up and push down when not in use.

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gordonreay1976limburger Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

That 2star review doesn’t exactly inspire confidence, but then happy people rarely leave a review on the internet so …

Is it stable enough to function as a table ?
I’d be tempted to add a folding leg of some description just to be sure.
That chair doesn’t look too comfy either 😉

Ikea also have similar things :

Definitely worth looking into for spaces like this.

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