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“Return to Normal” Gaming Challenge

“Return to Normal” Gaming Challenge

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Continued basing progress

Tutoring 17
Skill 18
Idea 19
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So continued progress on my coral reef basing experiment. This first step shows the base with a layer of painting.

  • Vallejo khaki basecoat on the sand,
  • Washed Sand with GW Seraphim Sepia wash
  • Drybrush with Vallejo Buff, or similar bone-like off white

After that, the coral was painted with GW Rakarth Flesh

  • Wash coral with Athonian Camoshade (GW)
  • drybrush with rakarth flesh (GW)
  • Lighter drybrush with white

Coral reefs are often colorful, not just grey, so in the next step, I washed layers on the sides of the reef. Bottom half was washed purple, top half GW Colia Greenshade. I did the green while the purple was still wet, so they blended together at the edge.

Lastly I dry brushed again with the same Rakarth and white. Unfortunately it seems I didn’t snap a photo at that step.

after that, I took some brighter washes and paints (Caraborg Crimson, Fuegan Orange, Wraithbone) and picked out some shells and coral blooms.

Lastly I mixed some water-effects resin with a little blue-green paint, and poured it gently around the reefs. The resin doesn’t flow like water, it’s more viscous, so I needed to use a toothpick to tease it into the tighter corners.

Almost final bases, need to paint black rimsAlmost final bases, need to paint black rims

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