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Ultimate Heroquest Painted Core Set

Ultimate Heroquest Painted Core Set

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Finally finished the Heroes.....ish

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 7
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I have finally finished the Heroes from the core set. They have turned out rather well. I wanted to make sure that they looked like the heroes as they appear on the box art so they aren’t as colourful as many of those painted by others. But I am really pleased with how they turned out.

Acrylic bases are becoming a favourite of mine too. I’ve started rebasing my Star Wars Legion collection and the Blackstone Fortress miniatures I have too. But I think they’ve done the Heroquest minis a lot of justice.

Chaos SorcererChaos Sorcerer

Understated and probably slightly muted, but I wanted the bad guys to look like the box art too. I may put an eight pointed star in red on his tunic but I am undecided at the moment.

The sorcerer corneredThe sorcerer cornered

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