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“Return to Normal” Gaming Challenge

“Return to Normal” Gaming Challenge

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It’s all ‘bout dat base...’bout dat base (again)

Tutoring 18
Skill 19
Idea 20
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It’s all ‘bout dat base...’bout dat base (again)
It’s all ‘bout dat base...’bout dat base (again)

Next update. No painting yet. However, as the WoK models come with these lovely recessed bases, I though I would try having them match in off a coral reef. These could turn out really cool…or fail horribly.

I started with cork board which I heavily distress with cutters and a knife, and glued it into the recessed area of the base. I then added superglue and baking soda as the main “grit” as it’s super-fine like beach sand. I then added small patches of normal playground sand for variety. Lastly I added small blobs of green stuff, and textured it by poking it with a sculpting tool, to give the appearance of coral “blooms”.

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