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Another Star Destroyer?!?

Another Star Destroyer?!?

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Some re-building, finishing of the basic structures - now on to working on details...

Tutoring 10
Skill 12
Idea 12

Work is progressing on this model, too. Since I felt that the upper half of the hull did not match the source material from REBELS well enough – which was particularly due to the fact that I decided to use a modified part of a Zvezda Star Destroyer kit – I decided to build a new one, and this time completely from scratch using plastic card, including the bridge section.

I learned a lot from building the lower half of the hull, which I needed to build from scratch, and I utilized the lessons learned to build a version of the upper hull which is accurate and has a clean, well-structured build. I’m happy I did this, and I’m very happy with the result.

At the moment, all basic and major shapes which comprise the ship are finished, engines are added, and a lot of detail work has been done – although quite a bit of deteil work still has to be done. But I’m getting there. Here are some images of the progress of both halves of the ship:

Some re-building, finishing of the basic structures - now on to working on details...
Some re-building, finishing of the basic structures - now on to working on details...
Some re-building, finishing of the basic structures - now on to working on details...
Some re-building, finishing of the basic structures - now on to working on details...
Some re-building, finishing of the basic structures - now on to working on details...
Some re-building, finishing of the basic structures - now on to working on details...
Some re-building, finishing of the basic structures - now on to working on details...
Some re-building, finishing of the basic structures - now on to working on details...
Some re-building, finishing of the basic structures - now on to working on details...

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Cult of Games Member

How did you do the generator domes? Do you vacuform them yourself? Twitch needs to know!

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