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Paint it or Punt it

Paint it or Punt it

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Legion finished

Tutoring 9
Skill 14
Idea 12

The story behind the Legion core box ties to last year’s snag-a-normie challenge. I went halfers on the box with a friend. We managed a build session and one short paint session before lock-down happened. I went ahead and painted my droid troops but left everything else untouched. Fast-forward to November and he admitted that he didn’t think he was interested in painting minis after all. So they got added into my pile of unpainted grey, not likely to be added to but possibly to be played with at a skirmish level in the future.

Legion finished

Painting clone troopers, I thought I’d try the Zorpazorp technique but after the first couple of stages they looked like crap so I went back to check I was following the video properly. Instead of watching it on my phone, I watched it on my PC screen and found out the flaw in my plan… I think the ones in the video look like crap too. That’s maybe not fair but they aren’t neat and tidy enough for my tastes so it was time to mount a rescue. Nothing needed stripped or anything crazy like that, just lines cleaned up, evidence of the drybrushing eradicated and many layers of thin white paint patiently applied.

Legion finished

After those were done it was time to move onto the Barc speeder. I wanted it to look different to the clones so went with a grey palette and some pretty heavy weathering. My friend confirmed he’d like them with 501st colours so I went in and added the blue along the sides. Then went back and painted the clones. The sources for clone markings are all over the place and truthfully, it’s not my army so I don’t care. They are clearly 501st, my job is done.

Legion finished

Next I finished up the droid side by painting the droidekas and then a fun little evening working on Grievous and Kenobi. Once everything was done, the horrible Geek Gaming Mars base ready mix got brought out so they match the other droids. Seriously, great idea for a product but it is a nightmare to work with. The pigment gets on everything and after sealing and touching up, it would have been faster going with any of the other methods I considered way back in March when I did the first lot of B1s.

With that, the Legion core box is finished. I won’t be jumping to paint more of either faction for now. I am tempted by building a Rebel force but truthfully it is such an expensive game that I just don’t know I’ll be able to justify it.

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zebraoutriderninjillyzorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Fantastic work on your projects figures @ninjilly congratulations for the gold button.

Cult of Games Member

Whatever mini or genre you paint turns out fantastic. Sublime. ???

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