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Old Skool Goodies, Baddies and Whatever

Old Skool Goodies, Baddies and Whatever

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Not the most productive week

Tutoring 12
Skill 11
Idea 9

Well between the hazards of  working, bad weather and a general lack of motivation its not been the most productive week! However I have managed to add a few more touches to the Gobbos.

I had originally missed the skulls on the standard and mace head from command figures. These were given a coat of Graveyard Earth. I still have plenty of this having found a box of 5 new pots in a job lot of minis I brought from Ebay! Sorry its not for sale! LOL!

I had also missed the horns on the Shamans hood so these were done with a mix of doombull brown and a generic yellow ochre

I then washed the skin with orc flesh wash.

Spear shafts, boots and belt pouches were given a coat of raw doombull brown.

A blob of scarlet for the eyes on the gobbos and the shield moon design was followed by a highlight of Goblin Green and Golden Yellow to the skin.

By preference I usually only paint in eyes on character or officer figures but as the eyes are so large visible on these Goblins it was unavoidable in this case.

I then mixed Golden Yellow with Yellow Ochre 70/30% for the moon designs and trinkets.

The final task this week was applying a second coat of scarlet/doombull brown to the shield rims. I use a wet palette for mixing, absolutely essential if you mix your own colours, so was fortunate to still have the original basecoat mix to which I just added more scarlet to create a mid tone.

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Cult of Games Member

Your night goblins look fabulous @dynarod1164 congratulations.

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