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Blood Bowl 2021 Season

Blood Bowl 2021 Season

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The Snivelling Nosepicking Menaces - Part 1

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7

First on my list of Blood Bowl teams to paint this year were the Snotlings (you can tell I care not for winning, just having a good time). I immediately picked an acronym (SNM) which I then had to make sense of. The end result is not too far off 🙂

First, despite their size, several of the miniatures cried for pinning, as I am am rather adverse to performing miniature surgery in the midst of a game. The stilt walkers are but one example of the players I had to pin to their base for more sturdiness.First, despite their size, several of the miniatures cried for pinning, as I am am rather adverse to performing miniature surgery in the midst of a game. The stilt walkers are but one example of the players I had to pin to their base for more sturdiness.
Once pinned, they are rather solid...Once pinned, they are rather solid...
Given the amount of players and the great number of parts involved in the pump wagon, I would not recommend this kit for a beginner. The wagon are quite finicky and require patience and meditation practice :)Given the amount of players and the great number of parts involved in the pump wagon, I would not recommend this kit for a beginner. The wagon are quite finicky and require patience and meditation practice :)
Another example of pinned miniature, as their only base contact is a tiny part of one foot.Another example of pinned miniature, as their only base contact is a tiny part of one foot.
I did not bother with zenital priming, given the player size and gave the assembled wagons a brown primer.I did not bother with zenital priming, given the player size and gave the assembled wagons a brown primer.
For this team, I will break my regular approach and complete the skin first, given the fact it covers most of the miniature and will be easier to deal with first. I choose Elysian Green for the base.For this team, I will break my regular approach and complete the skin first, given the fact it covers most of the miniature and will be easier to deal with first. I choose Elysian Green for the base.
I then apply a green tone wash  and let dry for 1/2 hour or so.I then apply a green tone wash and let dry for 1/2 hour or so.
Highlights are done with Ogryn Camo.Highlights are done with Ogryn Camo.
Now for the players' belly, undernose, lips and lower eyelids: I decided on a base of Bugman's glow. Note that this step can be skipped if you are really in a hurry to field the team, as the players are so tiny, but it would be a pity as it gives them some interesting character.Now for the players' belly, undernose, lips and lower eyelids: I decided on a base of Bugman's glow. Note that this step can be skipped if you are really in a hurry to field the team, as the players are so tiny, but it would be a pity as it gives them some interesting character.
The flesh colored parts are then shaded with Reikland Fleshshade (or your favorite flesh shader) and highlighted with Kislev Flesh. A bit of blending mazy be necessary but given the size, it will not stretch your skill to the limit.The flesh colored parts are then shaded with Reikland Fleshshade (or your favorite flesh shader) and highlighted with Kislev Flesh. A bit of blending mazy be necessary but given the size, it will not stretch your skill to the limit.
The skin being done, we resume our regular workflow by blocking colors; I decided with the blue and red scheme from the box illustration as it provides a good contrast with the skin tone and enough diversity to allow me to create a crowd effect. first, reds which are then immediately shaded. The skin being done, we resume our regular workflow by blocking colors; I decided with the blue and red scheme from the box illustration as it provides a good contrast with the skin tone and enough diversity to allow me to create a crowd effect. first, reds which are then immediately shaded.

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Cult of Games Member

having build that set myself recently I do agree with the “the pump wagons are not for beginners” vibe…. that takes patience XD

Cult of Games Member

Just about to pick up this team – great entry so far – look forward to following your progress! Let’s hope we can actually get some IRL games in at some point this year!

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