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Babylon 5 Returns

Babylon 5 Returns

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Interludes and Examinations

Tutoring 19
Skill 17
Idea 22

@templar007 asked about building a fleet for A Billion Suns, so I thought I would have a short break from cleaning and prepping to talk about what is required to play the game.

the Beta Test Ship list.the Beta Test Ship list.

So if you look at the table above the first thing to note is the cost. When playing A Billion Suns (ABS) you don’t build a fleet, in fact even when the game begins neither player will have any ships on the table or even a list.

Instead you decide on a Scale of game to play, from 1 – 10 and then generate contracts for the game. Every player in ABS is a CEO and you requisition ships in battlegroups as you need them, so if I wanted to requisition a battleship it would cost me 4o or a battlegroup of five Frigates it would cost 35 points.

Battlegroups are capped at five ships and all the ships within a group are the same type.

Throughout the game you can requisition more forces if you need them, but you start with no credits so you immediately go into deficit, the contracts on the tables are what you are after and if you want to keep your job as a CEO you need to weigh up the cost and how it will affect your bottom line.

You can potentially keep pulling more and more ships in if you want but you are unlikely to win in that case.

So for my Fleets I have only one large model for a Battleship, two for each of the Silhouette 6-8 ships, three or four for the Silhouette 5s, then six for the Silhouette 4 ships. I have six bases incoming to use as fighter, bomber and recon wings.


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Cult of Games Member

It does sound fun . Plenty of scope for backstabbing in multi player games

Cult of Games Member

I’ve got the Dropfleet Commander KS, and I have a Battlefleet Gothic Ork fleet. So with the KS, I have enough fleets to be getting on with. Now with the Orks, I have enough ships to do about 4 fleets in total. So at some point, I need to dig them out and get sorting.

Loving your B5 fleets, just wish I had bought the station all them years ago.

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