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Getting my Star Wars on

Getting my Star Wars on

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Some scenery

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 7
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Some scenery
Some scenery
Some scenery

After taking a bit of a break from Star War I am back with a bang. Just before Christmas I managed to get a Elegoo Saturn and using some files from Dark Fire Designs I printed this X-Wing.

The weathering was done mainly with Nuln Oil and then wipe it off with a cloth moving it only towards the back. The ware on the grey sections is where I managed to rub off the paint but it I happy with it. The foils do open and it will sit on a GW flying stand if you wanted to house rule it for use in game but I did it for a scenery piece or maybe an objective.

I have a Y wing nearly done and some mando’s also from dark fire and 5 squads of clones also on the table at the moment.

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