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Start with the end in mind

Start with the end in mind

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Start with the end in mind

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
And the next one is... A Blood Angels Terminator - Brother Deino from Space Hulk.  This is another one I started probably 2-4 years ago. And the next one is... A Blood Angels Terminator - Brother Deino from Space Hulk. This is another one I started probably 2-4 years ago.

I messed up on this, project wise, because I starting adding paint before taking the before pictures.  Having said that, the only thing I did before I realised was add in the grey highlights to the black areas.

Not much to look at here with the befores and afters because most of the work was done but at least it’s another miniature put into the completed zone.  ‘Appy Days.

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conceptwhonightrunner Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Really nice work.

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