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IDF mechanized company

IDF mechanized company

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First mechanised platoons and support

Tutoring 11
Skill 13
Idea 13

I will go with 2 small mech platoons for 50pts so this will need 7 M113.

As support I choose 2 M163 VADS anti air vehicles, which can be of good use vs lightly armoured vehicles aswell.

It seems like Infantry is still not available so while waiting I will get my hands on a single M113 sprue for the HQ unit.

Since Im now nearly done with my base 50pts force the next step would be to choose which units I will buy for 75pts.

I can go with:

Full unit of Pereh. Those are great for counter artillery and clearing of some AA units aswell as the obvious anti tank role.

Conras and Vads will be brought to each 4 teams while one infantry platoon will get full strength. Last I will get a Redeye unit.


First mechanised platoons and support

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miniaturebrushworkoriskanynightrunner Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

The IDF is what got me into the wonderful world of tanks. The Merkava 1 & 2 are my favourite tanks. I will not be getting into more wargames this year, but I will definitily be plunging into Team Yankee with the IDF in 2022 ( if we are still here). So I will be following your blog and great work with a lot of envy.

Cult of Games Member

@miniaturebrushwork – Great work on an interesting and sparcely-covered topic / period. I wonder if you have an opponent / friend with some Syrian, PLO, or Hezbollah forces you’ll put these badasses up against. Beqqa Valley, Lebanon, 1982 perhaps? 😀

Great work again.

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