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No Droids Here!

No Droids Here!

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Choosing the Concept.

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 22

Hi everyone,

I have decided to start another diorama, after just finishing The Adventures of Frank & Lilly.  This time I wanted to do something in the wonderful world of science fiction, and what better genre than Star Wars.

I went where it all started for me in 1977 and choose something from episode four – A New Hope.

Usually, I choose depending on what models are available.  This is where Star Wars Legion came in.  This game had all the models I needed to recreate the scene where the Storm Troopers are investigating the drop pod in which C3PO and R2D2 escape in.

This is a simple diorama and most of the work will be painting of the models.  This is intended, as I wanted something relaxing before continuing with my 15mm Dwarf Army and my 1/72 French Napoleonic army.

I also got a Imperial Stormtroopers Upgrade Expansion box.I also got a Imperial Stormtroopers Upgrade Expansion box.
Dry fitting the scene.Dry fitting the scene.

The frame-base in the pic above is what I will probably go with.  I believe in building dioramas as compactly as possible, and I am felling that the area is a bit too wide.  I might decrease the area bit – I don’t know as of yet.

If you think I should decrease it or leave it as is, then let me know.  You just might help me decide.

Until next post,


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Cult of Games Member

Depending on shelf space for after, i believe you should leave it as is…

Cult of Games Member

Love that idea!

Cult of Games Member

I’m in the leave it group. I love this idea.

Cult of Games Member

loving this idea and so have followed.
how are you gonna do the sand? ever thought about using tile grout? I did that for my scarif build and it worked out perfectly (and was rock hard) give it some thought and see if it will work for you!

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