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Manda's (Amachan) Battle Reports

Manda's (Amachan) Battle Reports

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SAGA 10th of January 2021 Part 2

Tutoring 12
Skill 11
Idea 12

My levy bowmen have been slowly picking off my friends Hormagaunts (warriors) over time.

I rested my warriors this turn.

Viðarr (lieutenant) charged the exhausted Tyrannofex (behemoth) killing him and getting exhausted himself.

I can take him!!!I can take him!!!

The Valkyrjur (hearthguard) tried to kill the Hormagaunts (warriors) at the top and failed losing 1 of their own in the process. Þórhildr (warlord) finished them off.

The Tyranid Warriors (creatures) charged Þórhildr (warlord), not doing much and collecting 3 fatigue in the process.

Turn 5Turn 5

I foolishly charged my warriors into his Hormagaunts (warriors) not doing anything and getting them killed in the process.

My warriors on the top moved up and the lone Valkyrja (hearthguard) killed one of the Tyranid Warriors (creatures)

Turn 6Turn 6

Þórhildr (warlord) killed the last Tyranid Warrior (creatures) and my levy bowmen picked off enough of the Hormagaunts (warriors) at the bottom for my opponent to not be able to generate any more SAGA dice and thus the game was over.

It was an overwhelming victory for the Order of Heimdallr, winning with 29 point against 15.

SAGA 10th of January 2021 Part 2

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Cult of Games Member

Enjoyed reading this, thanks for sharing. It was nice to see some of the minis you have been painting in action too.


Neat! I’ve got a huge array of minis from various games and I’m keen to get into age of magic myself since I love saga!

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