Conquest 100 Kingdoms by The Dace
Milestone 3 into Milestone 4
So, into a new year and hopefully a better one for all.
I’m pleased to say that I have completed my milestone 3 and more!
Firstly the Men at Arms are finished.
The extra crossbow men have been added and will be painted along with my original 12 in the future.
My Imperial officer has not only been started but completed.
I am really happy with how he came out.
The Steel legion have been tidied up a little and I’ve even made a start on painting them.
Milestone 4 will be as follows
- Finish painting my Steel legion unit
- Put together and paint up a veteran model that I received for Christmas
- Add some texture and grass to my unit base stands.
I’m giving myself a month to complete the above, wish me luck.
The face on your character is really well done.
Thanks @danlee A base of Bugmans glow followed by Cadian Fleashtone and Bonewhite in a slight mix. Reiksguard fleahtone was used to smooth things a bit.