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Gamma Wolves

Gamma Wolves

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Vague planning post along with a ramble around price and gaslands.

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6

So planning.

A campaign game of Gamma Wolves has 6 frames. So far i have 2 done…..

So planning.

Medium Frames:
Witchcraft – below
Lady D – below
A support frame with rockets. I think i am going to theme on marylin Monroe

Light Frames:
Im going to use warlord games Konflict 47 mechs for thease
Puck – using the British Hornet kit. I think it looks like old tech power armour so it will look right. Planning the paint job for this is think the front carapace has lots of room for art so i reckon a satyr is right for this.

Oni – using either the Jackal or the Kodiak. Probably the Kodiak as its the same body as the Hornet, so has a bit more continuity. Giving the light frames that mass produced power armour vibe.

Heavy frames:


For this im using the Gundam Guison Rebake kit. It has extra arms that pop out of the jump packs, which if you don’t put the hands on look like laser cannons. With them coming out of the jump pack it will give the appearance of huge fuel cells that are powering the lasers. Also they bulk out the model making it look heavier.

One thing i have discover is i love the scale of the models. There is something really nice about being able to make and paint something that size that only cost 15 quid. So with the Warlord games figures the total cost will be around £100 for an army. If i was just building to play one off games i could happily just use the 3 frames i have, total cost of £45 plus the book.

Also much like Gaslands, i’m not limited to the almost traditional being locked into a single manufacturer for the game system. Its really liberating. I think this project has also changed my attitude towards models for games. Making me far more manufacturer agnostic.

Gaslands was special because it was adapt your own toy cars, this has a very similar vibe. with the FB group full of different interpretations of what a frame looks like. My favourite being a very studio Ghibli monster like thing made of scrap and nanites.

Anyway those are my plans and late night thoughts around the subject.

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jesusjohnzorgKevin Fischer Recent comment authors
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Ah ha! So you are the one on the FB page that done an excellent job on the Jegan ECOAS for Gamma Wolves. I may seriously think about getting in on the action with my own group but I am thinking of using the dark army mobile suits as the “zombie mechas”. Could be fun.

Cult of Games Member

Wow the mech looks brilliant @jesusjohn

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