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On the Road to Austerlitz: A 6mm Early Napoleonics Project

On the Road to Austerlitz: A 6mm Early Napoleonics Project

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Some Terrain

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7

Here is some 6mm Terrain made with this project in mind but made to be universal. It’s all 2mm Irregular Miniatures Terrain from Eureka here in Australia.

It might seem weird to use 2mm Terrain with 6mm minis and I’ll address that in the next instalment.

The large terrain is based on a CD, I use the shiny side scuffed up with sandpaper. I like to then paint the surface Black to avoid any tiny gaps shining throughThe large terrain is based on a CD, I use the shiny side scuffed up with sandpaper. I like to then paint the surface Black to avoid any tiny gaps shining through
Two Forests and a Small Village with parish Church.Two Forests and a Small Village with parish Church.
The Tree's were painted on sticks for my own sanity.The Tree's were painted on sticks for my own sanity.
Rhinox Hide for the base (I think, this is just for me when I forget and need to come back here to remember it again).Rhinox Hide for the base (I think, this is just for me when I forget and need to come back here to remember it again).
A Drybrush with a beige (I used Wraithbone because I have a lot of them). The entry/exit points of the roads are markedA Drybrush with a beige (I used Wraithbone because I have a lot of them). The entry/exit points of the roads are marked
Rough Roads are Painted on. These are then tidied up Rough Roads are Painted on. These are then tidied up
Flock with Static GrassFlock with Static Grass
I was working on all 4 at once.I was working on all 4 at once.
The ParishThe Parish
These were painted before but were just loose so i decided to base them up as well.These were painted before but were just loose so i decided to base them up as well.

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Cult of Games Member

You’ve made an excellent decision with 2/3mm terrain when using 6mm and divisional level rules

Cult of Games Member

Have you thought about this sort of thing

Brigade Models do some lovely small scale scenery if that’s viable for you

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