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Resolution 2020: Clearing the pile of shame

Resolution 2020: Clearing the pile of shame

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One last model for 2020 - Erzebel from Raging Heroes

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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This is Erzebel from Raging Heroes ( I picked the model up back in May as birthday present to myself and have finally got around to painting her.


I started with a greyseer undercoat with a zenithal wraithbone highlight.


The wings and armour were painted apothecary white then drybrushed praxeti white.


The stone base was painted basilicanum grey then drybrushed longbeard grey.


The hair was painted iyanden yellow.


The edges of the robes and other pink areas were painted volupus pink and then highlighted pink horror followed by emperor’s children.


The skin was painted rakarth flesh, washed reikland fleshshade then highlighted flayed one flesh followed by pallid wych flesh.


The sword blade was painted leadbelcher, washed nuln oil then highlighted runefang steel.


The gold was painted retributor armour, washed seraphim sepia then highlighted auric armour gold.

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