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Resolution 2020: Clearing the pile of shame

Resolution 2020: Clearing the pile of shame

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Yellow Belle: Ouroboros Miniatures

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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This is Yellow Belle from Ouroboros Miniatures. I painted Red Belle earlier this years and really enjoyed doing a 75mm miniature, so I bought Blue Belle and Yellow Belle.


The wings came in a clear yellow resin, so I left them off the model until the very end. The rest of the model was assembled and then undercoated with three different colours to achieve a zenith highlight. First I painted the concrete base with Mechanicum Standard Grey. Then I sprayed the rest of the model with Grey Seer. Finally I sprayed Wraith Bone from directly above the model.


The pale areas of the body suite were painted with a 3:2 mixture of apothecary white:contrast medium.


The yellow areas of the body suite were painted with a 1:1 mixture of iyanden darksun and lahmian medium. This was applied in two thin coats which gave me a very even coverage.


The remaining dark areas of the body suite were simply painted in corvus black.


The face was painted rakarth flesh, washed in the recesses with reikland fleshshade, then highlighted with flayed one flesh followed by pallid wych flesh. Her eyes were painted with pallid wych flesh and then the irises were painted in with jokaero orange and the eye brows painted on with mournefang brown.


The hair was painted with two layers of darkoath flesh with highlights of jokaero orange and trollslayer orange highlights either side of her face.


The concrete was painted with basilicanum grey and they drybrushed longbeard grey.


The solid areas of the wings were painted with two layers of wraithbone, then painted either apothecary white or corvus black.


Finally the wings were glued in place. I will transfer the model on to a clear perspex base using gorilla glue two part epoxy resin later.

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