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A City worth fighting for?

A City worth fighting for?

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9 Oct 20: The First Game in the Campaign

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The Haunted Treasure... Wraiths Everywhere!The Haunted Treasure... Wraiths Everywhere!

The First official game in our campaign. We again played a 3 player game and picked a scenario at random from Frostgrave 2nd Ed.  Not knowing any better we ended up on the  Treasure Phantasmal scenario.
In short: During setup place Wraith adjacent to the center treasure, it won’t move until a mini moves within 6″. Every treasure picked up has a 50/50 chance to spawn another Wraith within 8″.  On top of that, any figure carrying a treasure has to pass a Will check or full move toward the center of the board.

The picture above is taken part way through…

Every treasure picked up did spawn a Wraith within 8″… somehow most of them ended up in my side of the board (Lower half of the photo above).

Meanwhile Steve and Nick started fighting over treasure.

A three-way combat: L-R: Steve's, my summoned Demon, Steve's, Nick'sA three-way combat: L-R: Steve's, my summoned Demon, Steve's, Nick's

Nick and Steve spent a fair bit of time trying to grab treasure and fight each other. Steve’s Wizard sniped Nick’s Apprentice from across the board with a Bone Dart. I summoned a Demon and rolled a 20 for the summoning roll… Greater Demon, baby!

At the center of the board my orc manages to push away the central Wraith in an attempt to grab the treasure, while my Wizard cheers from behind the safety of a shrubbery!

In the end I only secured one treasure, as the multitude of Wraiths floating around my side of the table was too spooky for me to handle.

After a couple hours play we called it. Looking back, had we known that this was more an advanced scenario, we probably would have picked something different to start with!

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