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40K and Sci Fi Projects

40K and Sci Fi Projects

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In a store far away hobbyists paint tiny fighting men - OTT Christmas 2019

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 12
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In the lead up to this weekend I put together a plan…. some would say a cunning plan. I wanted to make an army of clone troopers so the starter box has two squads of 7 clone troopers and one BARC Speeder.


I decided early on I wanted to mainly use citadels new (at the time) contrast paints. So after purchasing my paints the process I have described below is used through out and is realtively unchanged from my inital plan.

Phase One ClonesPhase One Clones

Prime -Wraithbone

Shade – Apothecary White (all over)

Drybrush – White Scar (all over)


Shade – Black Templar (bodysuit, gloves, guns, binoculars and helmet visor)

Recess Shade – Nuln Oil (knee and elbow joints)

(mistakes can be fixed with wraithbone and if appllied carefully can look like a highlight)

Shade – Gore Grunta Fur (leather bag)

BARC SpeederBARC Speeder

See above how to paint the troopers, just add Gore Grunta  to the straps which I really want to be seatbelts.


Prime White

Wash – Seraphim Sepia

Paint – Khorne Red (Random Panels)

Shade – Black Templar (Weapons, Footbars, Cabling)

Dry Brush – Squig Orange (Over red Panels)

Dry Brush – Ushabti Bone) Over entire Miniature)


I’d recomment keepig the crew off the vehichle and super glue them down after this stage.

To Bulk out my force I purchased another BARC Speeder and the Phase One Specialist. These were painted the same as below but with extra red to differentiate the Specialists. The skirts were painted red with a white trim  orignally but this gave them a distinctive Santa in Armour look so I added Basilicanum Grey to the white trim which just about fixed this. I would probably paint it all red next time.

In a store far away hobbyists paint tiny fighting men - OTT Christmas 2019
In a store far away hobbyists paint tiny fighting men - OTT Christmas 2019

ObiWan Kenobi, it was a nice change to focus on one character, I kinda painted him from memory with the colour scheme suposed to be the bit where he fights General Grevis in Episode III. The below paints are GW Contrasts unless stated otherwise:


Primer – Wraithbone

Hair – Gore Grunta Fur

Face – Guiliman Flesh

Armour – Apothecary White and Wrack White Drybrush

Belt – Basilicanum Grey

Outer Robe – Skeleton Horde

Under Tunic – Skeleton Horde and 3 layers of Agrax Earthshade

Lightsaber – Vallejo Deep Sky Blue (Blade)/ Wrack White (Tip and Base)

Lightsaber Handle – Leadbelcher Base Paint and Nuln Oil Wash


Overall not bad, especially considering my cat ate him at one point.



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