Baby's First T-34
Done and Dusted
So this little baby has been sitting in my shelf for over a year more or less painted bar the weathering and I figured it was time to finish it off over the lockdown/holiday period.
I’ve never painted a tank before much less weathered one so I picked up a couple of new products to try out. I first stippled some dark grey chipping on then used some Vallejo oil stains and rain streak effects. The tracks got some mud and crushed grass effects and I then applied some pigment powder to help blend everything in.
Overall I’m happy enough for a first attempt. I could do a but better on the weathering but at this stage I’m happy to call it done.
Project complete.
Great work on your project tanks @marcuslamb congratulations.
Thanks! I’m very pleased how that turned out. Working on a couple of Panzer IVs now but I’m still not very good with the airbrush!