The Thin Beige Line
Painting the Commandos
After a little research and my previous paint tests, I had my colour scheme figured out.
My first step was applying Skeleton Hoard to the joints and inset areas of armour. The vibroswords were painted with Iron breaker and the small light on the droids chests were painted with Contrast Blood Angels Red.
Once this was dry I used 2-1 mix of Black Templar and Contrast Medium for the droids chassis, being careful to leave the eyes in the original Wraithbone. Neat Black Templar was used for the guns.
My initial feeling about this stage was not good. Although contrasts are great on detailed areas they don’t sit so well on the flat areas, particularly the head in this instance.
Despite my initial trepidation I persevered and decided to give the chassis a second, thin coat of Templar and medium. This helped to even out the surface as well as take it a little darker. I then gave the black areas a wash of Drakenhorf Nightshade. I was careful to avoid the blaster and the brown sections, the latter of which were instead washed with Agrax Earthshade. The Vibrosword was given a purple wash made by mixing a spot of Blood Angels Contrast with a few drops of Darkenhorf Nightshade.
With the washes dried, I still wasn’t happy with the black areas of the droid. I decided to try a dry brush of Vallejo German Field Blue, to highlight the edges and bring the black towards the charcoal grey of the reference. The guns and Vibroswords were also dry brushed over with Iron Breaker at this stage, before all of the above were given a thin wash of Nuln Oil.
Often the simplest techniques are the best and the dry brush really lifted the detail and lightened the model. I was much happier with the overall look.
Project is looking great so far. Keep up the good work!
Thank you! I’ve got Maul and an AAT in the pipeline so no fear of quitting any time soon ?